
1999年 「タイの社会開発と上座部仏教の実践」宗教と社会学会(国際基督教大学)6月12日
The Role of Monks in Rural Development and Their Social Function in Civil Society, 7th International Conference on Thai Studies 4-8 July 1999 University of Amsterdam Netherland, Book of Abstract pp.60-62
Formation of a new religion and its conflict with community: Case study of a new religious sect, Tenchi-Seikyo, affiliated with Unification Church, 25th International Conference of International Society for the Sociology of Religion 26-30 July 1999 Maria Theresia College Leuven Bergium, Handbook of the 25th Conference pp.115-116
2000年 「現代日本社会におけるカルト、マインド・コントロールをめぐる諸問題」日本宗教学会(駒沢大学)9月15日
2001年 International Marriage Controversy between the Feminist Perspective and Regionalism in Japan, 3rd International Conference on Gender and Equity Issues: Humanistic Considerations for the 21st Century, January 4-6,2001, Bangkok
「『カルト』調査研究の課題」(「宗教と社会」学会2001年度ワークショップ発表 (慶応義塾大学)6月17日
'The Conversion Process of Young Unification Church Members in Japan since 1985' Association for the Sociology of Religion 2001 Meeting in Anaheim 2001 August 19th
'The Conversion of Housewives in the Japanese Unification Church and Gender Problems' 26th International Conference of International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Istapa de la sal Mexico, 2001 August 23th
'The Conversion of Young Men and Housewives in the Japanese Unification Church and its Gender Implications,' The Other Hokkaido: Gender, Diversity and Minorities, GALE and Eash with JALT Hokkaido 3rd International Conference 2001, Sapporo, 28th-30th September
'The Social perceptions of New Religious Movements in the Post-Aum Japan: The Popular Use of "Cult" and "Mind Control" and its Context,' Special Forum 'Japanese religions after Aum affairs 1995' Annual Meeting of American Academy of Religion in Denver 2001November 16-20
2002年 Sakurai Yoshihide, ’The Tasks of NGOs in Rural Development in Northeastern Thailand: the Debate on the Formation of Civil Society’ The 8th International Conference on Thai Studies, 9-12 January 2002, at Nakon Phanom in Thailand. Proceeding is in the e-paper, CD-ROM, hosted by Ramhkamhaeng University Thailand.
Sakurai Yoshihide, 'A Comparative Look at the Cult Controversy in the US and Japan' AFF2002 Annual Conference June 14-15,2002 Orlando USA
Sakurai Yoshihide, A Cult Controversy and Freedom of Religion: The Case of an Illegal Missionary Work Lawsuit and Exit Counseling for Unification Church Members International Sociological Association, Conference 2002, Brisbane July 7-13
櫻井義秀「現代日本の冥婚習俗と家族観のゆくえ」韓・日人文学連合国際学術大会 分科別研究発表(帝塚山大学)10月19日
Sakurai Yoshihide, 'A Comparative Study of Higher Education In Thailand and Japan: Several Issues Regarding the Independent State University Administrative Corporations', EDU-COMM 2002 conference in Khon Kaen, November 25-27
2003年 Sakurai Yoshihide, Citizens’ Exchange as a “Community of Interest” Cases of NPOs Assisting in Japanese-Language Education in Northeastern Thailand, International Conference of Thai Study at Hokkaido University, "Regional Development in Northeastern Thailand and the Formation of Civil Society", Hosted by Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, February 4 and 5, 2003, At Clerk Hall
「日本の『カルト』問題-韓国に嫁いだ日本統一教会女性信者の事例-」(原題ハングル)2003韓日人文学連合国際学術大会、釜山、東西大学、2003年5月24日 大会要旨集 pp.493-503
Sakurai Yoshihide, 'The Family Reconstructed by Religious Ideology: Case Study of a Female Member of the Unification Church,' AFF2003 Annual Conference June 13-14,2003 Orange County, USA
Sakurai Yoshihide, A Cult Controversy and Freedom of Religion,' AFF2003 Annual Conference June 13-14,2003 Orange County, USA
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Strategies of the Unification Church of Japan and Cult Controversy,’ AAR 2003 Annual Conference November 22-26, 2003 Atlanta, USA
2004年 Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Religions Should Have a Definite Roadmap to be Alternative,’ In Search of a Humanized Globalization: The Contribution of Spirituality-Based Social Movements, Workshop organized by Asia-Europe Foundation, April 28-30, 2004, Nagoya, Japan
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Contribution to Cultural Bases of Community: How Do University Academics Collaborate with Professionals and Citizens,’ EDU-COMM2004, conference in Khon Kaen, November 24-26
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘The Identity Formation and Livelihood Structure of Workers at a Japanese Pencil Manufacturer in Thailand,’ SEAGA 7th international meeting, conference in Khon Kaen, November 29-December 1
2005年 Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Re-examining the cult controversy in a Global context: International comparison of religious conflict,’ The 19th World Congress of. the International Association for the History of Religions, March 23rd -31st, Tokyo
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Socially Engaged Buddhism in Thailand,’ The 9th Meeting of International Thai Studies, April 3rd - 5th, Northern Illinois University, Dekarb USA
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘The Conflict of the Logics Behind Rejecting “Cults” and Advocating Human Rights: Various Aspects of the Anti-Aum Movement,’ The 9th Meeting of Asia Pacific Sociological Association, Mahidol University Thailand Dec. 16-18
2006年 Sakurai Yoshihide, Conflict between Aum Critics and Human Rights Advocates in Japan, Annual Conference of International Cultic Studies Association, Denver, July 22nd-25th
Sakurai,Yoshihide, ‘The Structure of Abuse in a Religious Group --- The Case of the Holy God Central Church,’ International Consortium for Social Development(ICSD), 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on "Globalization, Development, and Human Security in the Asia-Pacific Region", October 18-20, 2006, Thailand
Sakurai,Yoshihide, ’Community Development and Theravada Buddhism:Comparative and Chronological Study of “Development Monks”In Northeast Thailand,’Annual Conference of Southeast Asia of Geography Association (SEAGA), 2006 28 to 30 November 2006, Nanyang Girls High School, Singapore
2007年 櫻井義秀,「書評セッション 秋庭裕・川端亮著『霊能のリアリティへ-社会学、真如苑に入る-』(新曜社、2004)芳賀学・菊池裕生『仏のまなざし、読みかえられる自己―回心のミクロ社会学―』(ハーベスト社、2006)」「宗教と社会」学会2007、駒澤大学。
櫻井義秀、指定討論者、日本家族社会学会 国際セッション「子育てをめぐる6カ国の国際比較研究」札幌学院大学、2007年9月7-8日
Sakurai Yoshihide, panelist, ‘Cult Problems in Modern Day Japan,’ International Symposium on Cultic Studies, December 6-8, in Shenzhen, China
2008年 Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Thai Studies in Japan (Sociology); Globalization and Regional Social Change,’ International Conference of Thai Studies 10th, January 9-10 at Thammasat University, Thailand.
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Conversion as an Addiction to Relationships; the Setsuri Cult and Its Young and College-Student Followers,’ Annual Meeting of ICSA, Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, USA, June 27-29, 2008
櫻井義秀、一般研究報告「スピリチュアル・ビジネス ー神世界ヒーリングサロンの事例―」日本宗教学会大会2008、筑波大学、2008年9月13-15日。
2009年 櫻井義秀、コーディネーター・講演「カルト予防と大学の責任」日本脱カルト協会公開講座2009、北海道大学、2009年3月28日。
FD 櫻井義秀、留学生センター講演、Cults in Campus、(英語)、4月10日
櫻井義秀、テーマセッション「書評セッション 藤田庄市『宗教事件の内側』櫻井義秀編『カルトとスピリチュアリティ』」「宗教と社会」学会大会、創価大学、2009年6月6-7日。
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2009, ‘Fragmented Society and the Popularity of Spiritualism in Japan 1990 - 2000,’ Meeting of International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 25-31
Sakurai Yoshihide,2009, (keynote speech) ‘Mission Strategies and Organizational Structure of the Unification Church: From the Perspectives of Globalization and Management Strategy,’ Meeting of International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) “Management and Marketing of Globalizing Asian Religions,” National Museum of Ethnology , Osaka, August 11-14
櫻井義秀、コメンテーター、国際研究フォーラム「映画の中の宗教文化」 主催 國學院大學研究開発推進機構日本文化研究所 科学研究費補助金「大学における宗教文化教育の実質化を図るシステム構築」9月20日、國學院大學。
FD 櫻井義秀、講演「カルト・ハラスメント・バウンダリー(境界)」北海道大学クラス担任会議研修会、9月28日。
FD 櫻井義秀、留学生センター講演、Prevention and Recovery from Cults、(英語)、10月8日
Sakurai Yoshihide, “Financing Japanese Religious Corporation: Comparison among Buddhist Temple, Shinto Shrine, and Christian Church,” FINANCING OF CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES IN THE 21st CENTURY, Bratislava 14-15 October 2009, Nitra 16 October 2009, Ministry of Culture of The Slovak Republic Institute for State-Church Relations.
Sakurai Yoshihide, “Spirituality Boom and Declining of Religious Order,” Research Institute of Humanity and Social Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 19, 2009.
Sakurai Yoshihide, “Cult Controversy in Recent Japan,” Faculty of Philosophy, South-West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, October 20, 2009.
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Management Crisis and Social Activities of Local Buddhist Temples in Japan,’ Annual Meeting of American Academy of Religion, Montreal, November 9, 2009
2010年 櫻井義秀、講演「現代日本のカルトの実態と対応方法」、山形地方検察庁、研修会、1月7日。
Yoshihide Sakurai, 2010, ‘Mission Strategies and Organizational Structure of an Evangelical Church in Japan,’ World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, University of Toronto, August 16-21, Toronto, Canada
Yoshihide Sakurai, 2010, ‘Is Religion Social Capital in Japan’ Beijing Forum, Beijing University, October 5-7, Beijing China (Proceedings: Faith and Responsibilities: Spiritual Reflections on Global Issues, pp. 17-28)
Yoshihide Sakurai, 2010, ‘Mission Strategies of an Evangelical Church in Japan,’ 4th International Symposium of Cult Studies, Shenzhen, December 2nd, 2010 Shanghai Social Science Academy
2011年 Sakurai Yoshihide and Kasumi Sasaki,’ Social Inclusion for HIV/AIDS patients by Theravada Buddhism in Thailand,’ Networks of Civil Society Movement in Thailand,8-9 February 2011, Graduate School of Studies on Contemporary Society, Japan Women’s University
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘How do East Asian religions respond to the social stratification in post global time’ Social Change and Religious Response in Post Global Time in East Asia, Seminar at KKL building, Hong Kong University, February 19
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2011, ‘Management Crisis and Social Activities of Ordinary Temples in Japan,’ Meeting of International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Aix-en-Provence, France, June 29-July 2.
Kazumi Sasaki and Sakurai Yoshihide, 2011, ‘Social Inclusion for HIV/AIDS patients by Theravada Buddhism in Thailand,’ International Conference of Thai Studies 11th, Jul 26-28 at Mahidol University, Thailand.
櫻井義秀,2011,シンポジスト「フォーラム 今を生きる力の回復」真宗大谷派北海道教区親鸞聖人七五〇御遠忌記念フォーラム、市民会館、7月31日。
2012年 櫻井義秀,2012,「大学におけるカルト問題とその対応について」札幌市立大学教職員FD研修講演、札幌市立大学、4月18日。
Yoshihide, Sakurai, ‘Transnational Religion in Late Modernity: Japanese new religions in Korea and Korean Churches in Japan,’ International Academic Seminar between the University of Seoul and Hokkaido University, May 18, 2012, the University of Seoul, Korea.
櫻井義秀,2012,コメンテーター「社会参加を志向する宗教の比較研究―エンゲイジド・ブッディズム(社会参加仏教)を考える」第20 回「宗教と社会」学会・創立20 周年記念企画テーマセッション、6月17日、皇學館大学、伊勢市。
Yoshihide, Sakurai,2012,‘Japanese Religious Pluralism Today: Aum Cult After self-made Apocalypse,’Meeting of Asian-Pacific Sociological Association, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines., October 23, 2012
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2012, ‘Social Change and Japanese Mind Since 1990s,’ Department of Japanese Studies, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Hungary. , November 13, 2012
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2012, ‘Social Change and Japanese Young Generation Since 1990s,’ Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences, Zagreb University, Croatia. , November 16, 2012
2013年 Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘Social Services by Temples during the flood in the 2011 Thailand,’ International Seminar Civil Society Movement and Development in Northeast Thailand-Public sphere, social capital and prachakhom-And Social Change and Cultural Transformation in Globalizing Thailand, Laos, 26-27 January 2013, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ryukyu
Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘Comparative Studies of Christianity in East Asia: Preliminary Research,’The 1st SEFM International Workshop on Social Change and Religious Transformation in East Asia, Hokkaido University, March 2-3, 2013
櫻井義秀,「書評テーマセッション 櫻井義秀・稲場圭信責任編集、叢書『宗教とソーシャル・キャピタル全4巻』」宗教と社会学会 2013年6月16日、伊勢、皇學館大学。
Sakurai Yoshihide, convener, TRANSNATIONAL RELIGIONS IN ASIA: FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF RELIGIOUS PLURALISM AND POLITICS, and presenter, ‘Mission Strategy of the Unification Church in Japan: From Universalism to Korean Nationalism,’ June 27-30, 2013, 32nd ISSR-Conference, Turk Apo, Finland
櫻井義秀,「書評セッション 櫻井義秀編『タイ上座仏教と社会的包摂-ソーシャル・キャピタルとしての宗教-』」日本タイ学会、2013年7月7日、横浜市立大学。
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2013, ‘Religious movements in Japan for the new century,’ 2013 IOS-HU (Sociology) Joint Workshop on Contemporary Social Change in Taiwan and Japan, November 4, 2013, Academia SINICA, Taiwan.
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2013, ‘Individualization of funerals in Japan and role of religions in depopulated society,’ Thematic Session, Individualism and liberalism, Joint Symposium of Seoul University and Hokkaido University, December 13, 2013, Seoul University, Seoul, Korea.
2014年 Sakurai Yoshihide, 2014, ‘Demographic change and role of religions in Japan,’ Asian Researchers Network, January 20, 2014, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2014, ‘Demographic change and Temple Buddhism in Japan,’ Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb University, February 21, 2014, Croatia.
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2014, ‘Comparative study of religions and society in late modernity of East Asia,’ Congress of Hong Kong Asian Social Science, Hong Kong University, March 14-15, 2014, China.
Sakurai Yoshihide, 2014, ‘Religious Movements in Modern Japan: From the Emergence of New Religion in Meiji period To Aum Cult Controversy,’ Special Lecture on Asian Studies, Santababara, California University, USA. May 5, 2014.
SAKURAI Yoshihide, 2014, ‘Contested Concept and Activities of Religions As Social Capital in Contemporary Japan,’ Thematic session: Welfare and Civil Society: The Role of Religion, ISA, Yokohama July 17, 2014
SAKURAI Yoshihide, 2014, ‘Hope and Relationship in depopulating Japan: “Well-being” and Social Capital,’ Celebration of the 34th Anniversary of Daegu Haany University International Conference: The Harmony between Nature and Human - Respect for Life, Recovery of Humanity, Conservation of Nature - Daegu Haany University, Korea August 1, 2014
櫻井義秀,2014,「人口減少社会における寺院仏教の役割-浄土真宗寺院を中心として」日本宗教学会学術大会パネル主催、個人発表「人口減少地域における仏教寺院の役割-北海道の真宗大谷派寺院を中心に」同志社大学 2014年9月14日。
Sakurai, Yoshihide,2014, hosted Joint Workshop on Contemporary Social and Cultural Change in Taiwan and Japan in 2014, “Hope and Relationship in depopulating Japan: “Well-being” and “Well-dying” September, 28, 2014, Hokkaido University, Japan.
2015年 櫻井義秀,2015,「現代のカルト問題-オウム真理教と日本」北海道警察特別研修、北海道警察本部、2015年2月25日。
SAKURAI Yoshihide,2015, ’Pet Funeral Services in Japan: Change of Intimacy and Religiosity,’ 10th ASAHK Meeting, 香港珠海学院, Hong Kong, China, March 13,2015.
櫻井義秀, 2015, 「进行“倾听”的现代日本佛教-应对社会需求的临床宗教的尝试」第三屆星雲大師人間佛教理論實踐學術研討會南京大學中華文化研究院主辦 佛光山人間佛教研究院協辦 佛光祖庭宜興大覺寺 2015年3月21日。
櫻井義秀, 2015,「アジアの社会参加仏教」テーマセッション「東アジアの宗教をどう見るか」日中社会学会、北海道大学、2015年6月7日。
櫻井義秀, 2015,「カルト問題を開拓してきて」テーマセッション「ポストオウム研究の課題と展望―地下鉄サリン事件20年の地点から―」宗教と社会学会、東京大学、2015年6月14日。
櫻井義秀, 2015,「居場所としての大学 成長できる大学」日本キリスト教教育学会公開フォーラム、北星学園大学、2015年6月19日。
Yoshihide Sakurai, 2015, ‘Active Listening and Well-being in Japan: Secularization of Engaged Buddhism to Heal Isolated People,’ Yoshihide Sakurai and Wei-hsian Chi, ‘Religious Engagement to promote Well-being in Contemporary East Asia,’ STS 25, ISSR/SISR, Leuven la neuve, Belgium, July 2-5.
櫻井義秀 ラウンドテーブル「宗教の多様化と宗教多元主義-カルト問題から」HOPS10周年記念シンポジウム「現代と宗教-救済か脅威か」鈴木章記念ホール、北海道大学、2015年8月8日。
櫻井義秀 コメンテーター 「ジェームズ・ベックフォード、ホセ・カサノヴァ氏への応答」日本宗教学会第74回学術大会公開シンポジウム「宗教の未来 宗教学の未来」2015年9月4日創価大学。
SAKURAI Yoshihide,’Buddhism and Modernity in Thailand: The Case Studies of Development Monks in Northeastern Thailand,’ panel on 'Secularization and laicisation'in Asia 日本宗教学会開催校特別企画英語パネル、2015年9月5日、創価大学。
櫻井義秀 「教育・研究組織のハラスメント対策と課題-学生支援体制をいかに充実させるか」国立大学法人等監事協議会12回総会 特別講演 北海道大学 12月4日
2016年 櫻井義秀 「現代宗教研究の課題と展望-日本・東アジアから」東アジア宗教研究フォーラム基調講演 済州大学 2月20日、韓国
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Missionary Trans-border Religions and Defensive Civil Society in Cotemporary Japan,’ International Workshop of Religious Diversity and Politico-Religious Relations in East Asia, Sapporo Christian Center, Sapporo, March 12-13, 2016.
櫻井義秀 コメンテーター 開催校企画シンポジウム「越境を考える――その課題と可能性」日中社会学会学会大会 長崎ブリックホール3階・国際会議場 6月5-6日
櫻井義秀「人口減少する地域社会と宗教文化」「宗教と社会」学会大会 テーマセッション「日本海側の宗教を考える」上越教育大学 6月11日-12日
Yoshihide, Sakurai, 2016, ‘Workshop for first participation in international conference,’ 上越教育大学 新潟 6月11日-12日
Yoshihide, Sakurai, 2016,‘Decline of the Established Religions and New Primordial Religiosity in Social Engagement in Japan, ‘Thematic session by Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘Religious Engagement and Spiritual Empowerment in Asian Countries,’InteA meeting Vienna University July 10-15.
日本宗教学会大会 パネル「宗教とウェルビーイングの比較宗教社会学」趣旨発表、「宗教とウェルビーイング研究の概観」2016年9月10日 早稲田大学 東京。
「ライブトーク 「お一人様」化する死の諸相-無縁社会から有縁社会へ」袴田俊英・櫻井義秀 「日本死の臨床研究会 40回大会」札幌コンベンションセンター 2016年10月8日.
Yoshihide Sakurai, 2016, ‘The dream of Japanese religio-political movement after World War Two: the response to social uncertainty and moral ambiguity,’ 2016 HU-SNU JOINT SYMPOSIUM Dream and Reality in East Asia: An Interdisciplinary and Critical Approach, Hokkaido University, Nov. 24.
2017年 櫻井義秀 「コメンテーター 人口減少時代の宗教」国際宗教研究所主催シンポジウム 2月18日 大正大学
櫻井義秀 「コメンテーター 宗教研究において「実証的研究を行う」とはいかなることか」「宗教と社会」学会大会テーマセッション、大阪国際大学、6月4-5日。
櫻井義秀 「現代アジアのキリスト教の趨勢に関する一考察-日本・韓国・中国・モンゴル・タイの調査から」北海道社会学会 北海道情報大学 6月10日
Yoshihide Sakurai, 2017, ‘How Can We Recognize Religio-Political Movements in Public Sphere? : Two Unique Religio-Political Movements and Their Social Impacts in Japan,’ International Society for Sociology of Religion, Rosanne University, Swiss, July 3-6
櫻井義秀「趣旨説明 現代日本における政教関係の概況」日韓宗教研究ワークショップ2017、北海道大学、8月8日。
櫻井義秀 パネル「趣旨説明 政教関係の国際比較と新しい公共宗教論をめざして-各地域からの報告」櫻井義秀 パネル「報告 政教関係の国際比較と公共宗教論の視点」日本宗教学会、東京大学、2017,9,17日。
Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘Religion and Wellbeing: Viewpoints and Perspectives of Recent Research in Japan, ’Survey Research and the Study of Religion in East Asia Pew Research Center, Washington DC October 11-12
2018年 Yoshihide Sakurai,’ Medicalization of natural death and restoration of human death in Japan: for sandwich generation in East Asia’ 2017 HU-SNU JOINT SYMPOSIUM Sociological Reflections on Current Issues in East Asia, Seoul University, Dec. 9.
Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘Conservative Swing of Japanese Politics and Soka Gakkai’s Political Participation,’ East Asian Society of Scientific Study of Religion, Singapore Management University, Singapore July 4-6.
Yoshihide Sakurai,’ How do rationality and empathy deal with “well-being” and “well-dying” in organ transplant and life-prolonging medication?’ International Meeting of Sociology, Toronto Convention Center July 15-20.
櫻井義秀企画・座長 シンポジウム「科学、アート、スピリチュアリティ」日本スピリチュアルケア学会大会、藤女子大学、9月29-30日。
櫻井義秀 講演「アイヌ民族の現在と日本社会」ナレースワン大学人文学・社会科学科、11月3日。
2019年 櫻井義秀「創価学会とは何か-東アジアの比較政教関係と集合的記憶」日韓宗教研究ワークショップ、東西大学、釜山、2019年2月15日。
Yoshihide Sakurai, Convener and presenter of Thematic Session, ‘Well-being and Well-dying in medicalized longevity society: How do our religious culture consider the dignity of life and death?’ International Society for the Sociology of Religion, July 9 2019, Barcelona University, Barcelona.
Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘From ideological right to survivalist’s right: Two case studies of the religious right since the 1960s in Japan’ Thematic Session of Religious Right, International Society for the Sociology of Religion, July 11 2019, Barcelona.
Yoshihide Sakurai, East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (EASSSR) 2nd Annual Meeting at Hokkaido University 主催 Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘East-West Encounters and Religious Change in Modernizing East Asia’ as opening address; Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘Sociology of Religion in Japan and its current situation, ‘as the Panelist at the Presidential Panel, July 27-28, 2019 Hokkaido University.
櫻井義秀 招待講演「大学のカルト問題-アレフへの対応を中心に」全国大学保健管理研究集会、札幌コンベンションセンター、2019年10月9日。
櫻井義秀 大谷大学フェアシンポジウム「人口減少時代の現在と次世代の育成」パネリスト「人口減少時代の生き方-フルスペックの人生を問い直す」2019年10月20日、札幌国際ビル。
櫻井義秀 講演「人は宗教でしあわせになるか」北海道大学大学院文学院人文学カフェ、紀伊國屋書店、2019年11月9日。
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Religion and Modernity in East Asia: For understanding historic arche and legitimization in postcolonial times,’ 2019 SNU-HU JOINT SYMPOSIUM, 21st Century Sociological Imagination and Thinking: How can we facilitate the reconciliation and dialogue in East Asia?, Seoul National University, NOVEMBER 23, 2019.
Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘Religion and Wellbeing: Viewpoints and Perspectives of Recent Research in Japan,’ A Symposium on Measuring Religiosity in the Global East, December 2-3, 2019, Purdue University.
Sakurai Yoshihide, ‘Engaged Buddhism in Thailand and Japan: "Development Monks" and Disaster Relief,’ International Japan Studies, Working Group 2: Religion by Godart, Clinton, Tohoku University, Dec. 14.
2021年 Yoshihide SAKURAI, ‘The New Coronavirus And Cult-Fundamentalist Religions In Japan: A Case Study Of JMS and Fuji Taisekiji Kenshokai,’ International Society for the Sociology of Religion 36th Conference, Online Meeting 14th, July.
Yoshihide SAKURAI and Koki Shimizu, ‘A Study on the Attitudes and Behavior of Japanese Students: A Proposal for Comparative Research,’ Annual Conference of East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Online Meeting by Cheju University, July18.
2022年 Yoshihide SAKURAI, ‘The second suppression of Ōmoto-kyō and its members’ belief and experience in 1935-45’ 4th Annual Meeting of East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Online Meeting(National Taiwan University, August 13.)
2023年 櫻井義秀、清水香基、「セカンドライフに関する意識調査-調査の視点と方法」北海道社会学会大会、札幌学院大学、2023年6月17日。
Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘Religions And Politics In Japan: After The Murder Of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe And The Unification Church’s Issue,’ International Society for the Sociology of Religion 37th Conference at Academia Sinica in Taipei, July 5th.
Yoshihide Sakurai, ‘New Developments in the Relationship between Politics and Religion in Japan,’ 5th Annual Meeting of East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Online Meeting (Hokkaido University), July 12.